Renewal of Profession
Renewal of Profession
Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, one God in three persons,
I present myself before You, to give You thanks for all the blessings
and mercies You have bestowed on me with so much bounty since the
moment I came into the world. I thank You in particular, O my God, for
having made me a member of the Third Order of Your servant St. Francis.
I confess that the yoke of the holy order is not heavy, that its obligations
are not difficult, and that its blessings are many and great. I embrace
anew the holy rule of our glorious father St. Francis. I ratify my
profession and renew it with all my heart, promising again in the presence
of Your Divine Majesty, in honor of the immaculate Virgin Mary, of
blessed father Francis, and of all the saints, to observe all the time of my
life the commandments of God and the rule of the Third Order, as also to
fulfill the penance imposed on me by my superiors for any transgressions
against the rule.
O my God, with the assistance of Your grace, I will, from this day forth,
be more exact in the fulfilment of my duties as a Tertiary. Deign to bless
this my resolution. Kindle in my heart the fire of Your love, that, glowing
with the warmth of your charity, I may be a true child of our seraphic
father, and never cease to serve and love You.