About us
Certificate of Establishment St. Pio Fraternity
Contact us
Eucharistic Foundation
Exercises of Religion
Formation Resources
Franciscan Quotes
From the Province
Ritual Prayers
The Third Order
TOFP: The Priestly Confraternity of the TOF
Traditions and Prayers
Upcoming Events
The Third Order
St. Francis of Assisi
The Franciscan Third Order
The Rule of Pope Leo XIII
Constitutions of the Franciscan Third Order
Steps in becoming a Third Order Franciscan
Encyclicals on the Franciscan Third Order
Franciscan Devotion to our Blessed Mother
Exhortation of St. Francis
Testament of St. Francis
The 5 Principles in the life of the Tertiary
The St. Damiano Cross
Prayer before the crucifix at St. Damiano
Franciscan Crown Rosary
About us
Mission Statement
Letter from Most Reverend Edward C. Malesic, JCL, Bishop of the Diocese of Cleveland
Our Spiritual Director
Tertiary Community Statutes
Fraternal Life
Eucharistic Life
Wellspring of Divine Life
Exercises of Religion
Introduction to the “Exercises of Religion”
Daily Mass and Holy Communion
Reverence for God’s churches
Praying “at all times”
Repentance for our sins and spiritual direction
Spiritual reading
Reflection on the Passion of Christ
Monthly community gatherings
Monthly Day of Recollection
Annual Franciscan Retreat
Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary
TOFP: The Priestly Confraternity of the TOF
About us
St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe, Patron Saint of the TOFP
The Rule of Pope Leo XIII with Adaptations for the Priest
Conditions for Membership
The Priest as a Tertiary
Ritual Prayers
Prayer Before and After Reciting the Hours
Gathering Opening Prayer
Gathering Closing Prayer
Council Meeting Opening Prayer
Council Meeting Closing Prayer
Reception into the Postulancy
Reception into the Novitiate
Ceremony of Holy Profession
Reception into the Novitiate – Isolated Tertiaries
Ceremony of Holy Profession for Isolated Tertiaries
Renewal of Profession
Election of Officers
Installation of Officers
Wake Service
Wake Service for Isolated Tertiaries
From the Province
Certificate of Establishment SS. Francis and Clare Fraternity
Certificate of Establishment Our Lady of America Fraternity
Certificate of Establishment St. Pio Fraternity
Letter from Most Reverend David J. Bonnar, Bishop of the Diocese of Youngstown
Letter from Most Reverend Edward C. Malesic, JCL, Bishop of the Diocese of Cleveland
Tertiary Community Statutes
Quarterly Community Newsletter
Isolated Tertiaries Community Newsletter
Monthly Mat Posts
Tertiary Community Statistics
Formation Resources
Holy Profession – June, 2021
Investiture and Reception into the Novitiate – July, 2020
Upcoming Events
Contact us
Franciscan Quotes