Council Meeting Closing Prayer


V.   Lord, have mercy on us.

R.   Christ, have mercy on us.

V.   Lord, have mercy on us.

Our Father …

V.   Confirm, O God, the work which you have wrought in us,

R.   From your holy temple which is in Jerusalem.

V.  O Lord, hear my prayer,

R.   And let my cry come unto you.

V.   The Lord be with you,

R.   And with your spirit.

V.   Let us pray:

All.  Grant us, * we beseech you, O Lord, * the help of your grace,  * that with your aid we may accomplish what we know you have appointed us to perform.

O God, * without whom nothing is strong, * nothing holy, * increase your mercy toward us, * that under your direction and guidance we may so pass through the blessings of this life * as not to lose those which are eternal. * Through Christ our Lord.  Amen.

We give you thanks, almighty God, * for all your benefits.  Who live and reign world without end.  Amen.

V.   Let us bless the Lord,

R.   Thanks be to God.

V.   May the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace.

R.   Amen.